Protecting rainforest is the simplest and most effective way to save biodiversity, combat climate change, and ensure the continuation of life on earth.
How We Do It
Rainforest Preserve
We created the Jama-Coaque Reserve (JCR) by purchasing and continuing to protect 2,000 acres of threatened rainforest on the Pacific coast of Ecuador.
Conservation Corridor
We’re creating a 91,000-acre conservation corridor by connecting JCR with other surviving remnants of the Pacific Forest.
Research & Monitoring
We use remote sensing technology to track illegal activities, monitor threatened species, and measure carbon sequestration.
Why Coastal Ecuador?
Biodiversity Hotspot
The ecological diversity in the Pacific Forest of Ecuador is unparalleled. Chocó rainforest, cloud forest, moist evergreen forest, Tumbesian dry forest, and mangrove forests all converge in one extraordinarily dynamic ecosystem. This is the heart of the “Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena” Biodiversity Hotspot—home to more endemic species than anywhere on the planet.

Rampant Deforestation
As a point of comparison, the famous Amazon has lost roughly 25% of its forest. Meanwhile, the once-great Pacific Forest of Ecuador has lost a staggering 98%. It is the most threatened tropical ecosystem on earth. The main driver of deforestation is unsustainable agriculture – namely, cattle ranching and slash-and-burn corn cultivation.

Endangered Species
JCR is one of the last refuges of the Ecuadorian White-Fronted Capuchin Monkey, listed as “CRITICALLY-ENDANGERED” on the IUCN Red List. JCR is also home to more endangered and threatened bird species than any other Important Bird Area in all of Ecuador, which has the greatest diversity of birds of any country on earth.

Research & Monitoring
Our team uses cutting-edge remote sensing technologies to monitor and better understand the state of the Reserve. This includes an extensive network of canopy-based monitoring stations that detect wildlife and illegal activities (i.e. hunting and logging) using motion-triggered camera traps, automated audio recorders (Audiomoths), and climate sensors. This data is collected by our team of local parabiologists and analyzed and published by our international team of collaborators.

Next Steps
The forest adjacent to the Jama-Coaque Reserve (JCR) is shrinking on a daily basis. With your support, we can purchase and protect 2,200 acres over the next five years (outlined in white on the map). This would allow us to connect multiple protected fragments of forest (green on the map) and consolidate these lands into the largest nature preserve in the region. We will also establish a 10,000-acre buffer zone around JCR by working with local farmers to regenerate deforested land through agroforestry (outlined in blue).
Help Expand the Reserve:
Purchase & Protection Fund
Acres Under
Acres Under
Your support achieves the following
$700 / acre = Purchase of 1 acre
$125 / year = Protection of 1 acre